Court Book-keeping Services
Obtaining the right balance
Our services can be supplied on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis or on a one off ad hoc basis, for example Maternity Leave or Sickness Cover.
We can operate either from your premises or from our own offices, or online whichever is more convenient for you. We also run a collection and delivery service all with our Jargon-free approach to bookkeeping.
Trained initally in manual book-keeping it means that we understand how your accounts are effected by pressing the enter button on your software package!
We use and are fully conversant with the latest accounting software including the most popular programme package.
We can offer a variety of services specifically tailored to meet your needs and your pocket
Services include, but are not limited to:
Lets be honest no one enjoys spending their free time collating receipts and completing “the books”. Book-keeping is a necessary evil! We understand that it is difficult to get motivated, when your focus is on sales and your core business goals. With this in mind, we provide friendly and reliable book-keeping services, processing all your day to day book-keeping needs, producing:
Sales Invoicing, Sales/Debtors Ledgers, Purchase/Creditors Ledgers, Bank Reconciliations, Cash/Credit Card Reconciliations, Nominal Ledgers & a full Trial Balance.
If there’s one thing guaranteed to happen each year, it’s that there’ll be changes to payroll legislation and you need to be aware of it!
Because we deal with the intricacies of payroll legislation on a daily basis we can ensure that you are legally compliant whilst not taking up and your time
We can handle the entire process including PAYE, NIC, SSP, SMP, Student Loans etc, Submit Real Time Information (RTI) to HMRC, calculate monies due to HMRC, Prepare Year End Returns including P60s, & process starters and leavers (P46's & P45's) forms.
Self Assessment
Is it time for your annual self-assessment tax return?
Is the thought of it causing you stress? 11.26 million Self Assessment (SA) returns were due to be sumbitted for 2014/2015 year by 31 January 2016.
Around 870,000 SA returns were outstanding when the midnight deadline cut off.
This year the deadline fell on a Sunday, and more than 385,000 were submitted on this day of rest!
We can spare you the headaches and free up your valuable time by offering a comprehensive Individual Self Assement Package.
VAT can be complicated and getting it wrong has serious implications.
The current compulsory VAT registration threshold figure from 1 April 2015 is sales in excess of £82000 in any twelve month period. You disregard sales which are outside the scope of VAT and exempt VAT. You do not ignore zero rated.
We can help you register or conversly de-register and prepare and submit your VAT Return.
We can operate all VAT schemes including standard, cash accounting, annual accounting, flat rate & margin schemes dependant on which is more benefial for yourself. We can also submit VAT EU (VAT 101), if you are trading within Europe.
Auto Enrolement
The law on workplace pensions has changed. Every employer with at least one member of staff now has new duties, including putting those who meet certain criteria into a workplace pension scheme and contributing towards it.
Research published by the Pensions Regulator has revealed that only 29% of employers who have a staging date for pension auto-enrolment in 2016 are aware of when that date is.
We can complete a pre-staging assessment, production of all statutory communications, help set up a Qualifying Pension Scheme, assess the workforce to identify eligible and entitled employees, manage ‘opt outs’, ‘opt in’s’ and postponements and as part of the payroll run, deduct employees and employer contributions.
Start Ups & Annual Accounts
We can help your new start-up, by providing unbiased advice to the most suitable structure for your business i.e. Sole Trader, Partnership, Limited Company (Ltd) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) along with company formation. Carry out registration procedures with Companies House and HMRC on your behalf, and assist with appropriate internal accounting system which complies with statutory requirements.
Once you are up and running we can provide financial reports giving you a guide to your profitability, complete Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet with tax computations, along with
cash flow and financial projections, as well as liaising with HMRC (tax and VAT) on your behalf.